Custom Application

Rich package that is geared to your needs. Routine engineering operations are suddenly entertaining, while productivity increases rapidly.

Feel free to ask for more information and you will be surprised how custom applications work, what they do and how much they can save.


CAD systems that support API

(application programming interface) can be

extended with an interface that simplifies

your work.

What do you obtain?

  • easy of use
  • increase of productivity
  • customize to organization needs
  • customize to project requirements


  1. Vessel generator
  2. Piping generator
  3. Lifting Arrangement
  4. Railing, steps, covers
  5. Connections
  6. Tools for BOM
  7. Drawing generator
  8. Import / Export data


Can be used as an additional module for your currently used application. Design and using is practically no limited…

  • issued as a separate application or
  • integrated to your CAD
  • wide range of tools
  • based on formulas
  • no design- code limitation


  1. weld strength
  2. weld fatique
  3. bolt connection
  4. pressured components
  5. lifting
  6. section properties

FEA- Tools

As a structural mechanical engineer I absolutely agree, that using of wide range of some additional macros or custom tools is needed.


  1. data import / export
  2. geometry operations
  3. meshing
  4. element update
  5. node operations
  6. material overview
  7. coloured atributes
  8. additional graphical text notes
  9. loadcase generator acc. to a code


  • loadcase combinations
  • stress intenzity calculator
  • strength and fatique safety
  • report generator


Customize MS Excel

MS Excel custom data sheet can be also designed to your imagine and needs.


  • text operations- reading, separating, …
  • connection with your CAD or CAE


  • calculator with loops, iterations and conditions
  • custom functions shared by your network